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«Russian Journal of Biological Research» – биологический научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7413

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.

Издается с 2014 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) December 27, 2014

Articles and Statements

1. Sevda Z. Ahmedova
The Ways to Solve Ecological Problems in Azerbaijan at the Beginning of the XXI Century

Russian Journal of Biological Research, 2014, Vol. (2), № 2, pp. 76-80.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2014.2.76CrossRef

Since the 1990s years, after the Republic gained its independence, the natural resources and environment of Azerbaijan has been in hard condition. For eliminating the ecological tensity of the Republic, several plans and projects were put up and carried out. At last the positive results were obtained.

URL: http://ejournal23.com/journals_n/1420559901.pdf
Number of views: 2326      Download in PDF

2. Nikolay A. Bityukov
The Dynamics of Herbage on the Areas of Logging in Formation of Rock Oak on the Black Sea Coast of Caucasus

Russian Journal of Biological Research, 2014, Vol. (2), № 2, pp. 81-92.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2014.2.81CrossRef

The article gives the research materials of ground cover in the formation of the rock oak on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The method of monitoring of the forest plantations on the pair of small (elementary) catchments is used, one of which was subjected to experimental cuts, and the other served as a control. The recovery dynamics of rock oak`s saplings after felling is presented, as well as after the passage of ground fires among young trees. Due to the economic impact the dynamics of herbage in natural plantations and among young trees is studied.

URL: http://ejournal23.com/journals_n/1420559941.pdf
Number of views: 2257      Download in PDF

3. Marzieh Negahban, Abdolhossein Aboutalebi, Abdolraool Zakerin
The Effect of Phosphorus on the Growth and Productivity of Mexican Marigold (Tagetes minuta L.)

Russian Journal of Biological Research, 2014, Vol. (2), № 2, pp. 93-99.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2014.2.93CrossRef

Field trials were carried out in Sadra town near Shiraz, Iran in 2010 to determine the effect of phosphorus (P) on the productivity of Mexican Marigold (Tagetes minuta L.), an important medicinal plant. Phosphorus was band-placed at the rates of 0, 40, 80 and 120 Kg/ha at planting time. Results indicated that growth parameters and essential oil concentration increased with increasing the P levels. Application of 120 kg/ha P significantly increased the fresh and dry weights, plant height and flower numbers per plant. All P as compared with the control significantly enhanced the essential oil concentration. Moreover the role of phosphorus as a central and pivotal metabolic and regulatory nutrient element has been discussed.

URL: http://ejournal23.com/journals_n/1420560019.pdf
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4. Nataliia Ulianchych, Oleg Mishchenko, Igor Kоndratets, Nataliia Zaitseva
Controlled Properties of Osteotropic Biomins Implant Material for Various Clinical Applications (Literature Review and Own Results)

Russian Journal of Biological Research, 2014, Vol. (2), № 2, pp. 100-112.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2014.2.100CrossRef

Investigation of the properties, structure, composition and remodeling of bone defined success of bioactive ceramics based on calcium phosphate (CPC) use for bone regeneration. Hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate - Са3(РО4)2 are most biocompatible from the large number of calcium phosphates. Calcium phosphate ceramics has absolute biocompatibility and ability to participate in the process of reparative osteogenesis, integrate with the bone, serves as building blocks for the regenerate. This review provides information about application of β-tricalcium phosphate in form of "Biomin".

URL: http://ejournal23.com/journals_n/1420560110.pdf
Number of views: 2566      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal23.com/journals_n/1420560135.pdf
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