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«Russian Journal of Biological Research» – биологический научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7413

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.

Издается с 2014 года.

1 December 25, 2024


1. Talip Şahin, Ömer Kılıç, Muhammad Zafar, Mushtaq Ahmad
Some Plants Used in Turkey Ethnobotany Against Scorpion, Snake and Bee Biting

Russian Journal of Biological Research. 2024. 11(1): 3-13.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2024.1.3CrossRef

Each of the scorpion, snake, bee and some stinging insect species have active roles and benefits in the ecosystem, as well as harms such as stinging, biting and poisoning people. These creatures have different species from each other, and these differences are reflected in the venom characteristics, amount of venom and behavioral characteristics of aggression. As a matter of fact, allergic conditions resulting from bee stings and snake and scorpion bites can cause serious health problems and sometimes this process results in death. The rate of snake and scorpion bites and bee stings is not low in Turkey, and different traditional methods are applied in different parts of Turkey against poisoning by bee stings, snake and scorpion bites and poisoning, as can be seen in the relevant literature and especially in ethnobotanical studies. Alternative treatment methods against bee stings, scorpion and snake bites may have provided benefits when medical treatment opportunities were not as much as today, but clinically supporting the applications with this information will provide healthier and more precise results. This study introduces a series of herbs used as a treatment against bee, snake and scorpion stings in different regions of Turkey. We believe that plants can be used as herbal medicine and antidote to bee, snake and scorpion stings. The lack of natural, useful and effective remedies for the treatment of bites is leading to the expansion of research on effective and natural remedies for patients with bites.

URL: https://rjbr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1737544397.pdf
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History of Science

2. Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Alexander Gavrilovich Gurvich (1874–1954): A Short Biographical Sketch Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of His Birth

Russian Journal of Biological Research. 2024. 11(1): 14-20.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2024.1.14CrossRef

The article is devoted to some pages of the biography of the famous Russian biologist Alexander Gavrilovich Gurvich (1874–1954). The material was his writings, as well as biographical studies about him and biological works, which in one way or another touched upon the biographical aspects of the scientist. The methodology is based on methods of historiographical and biographical analysis, methods of classification and synthesis. A.G. Gurvich became famous, first of all, as a researcher of ultra-low energies of living beings (biofield, biophotogenesis, etc.), as well as as an embryologist and cytologist, namely, as the discoverer of micro-emissions of living organisms, which he called mitogenesis and biofield. Having high-quality education and practical training in Germany, Gurvich in the early twentieth century moved to Russia, where he makes his major discoveries. Having received a house, a vegetable garden and a garden for experiments from the Soviet government, he worked productively and described the results of his experiments in scientific papers; his wife Lidia Dmitrievna, and later his eldest daughter Anna Alexandrovna, helped him in this matter. For most of his life, he worked at the Taurida University (Frunze Crimean University), where he created his most significant microbiological discoveries. At the end of his life, he headed the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences for five years, but a discrepancy in scientific views with representatives of the Marxist Michurinsky agrobiology (first of all, with T.D. Lysenko) led to his resignation and retirement in 1948. He is a student of famous world-renowned scientists such as L.V. Belousov, A.A. Lyubishchev, G.M. Frank and others.

URL: https://rjbr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1737545356.pdf
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3. Sergei N. Nikitin
The Biographical Sketch Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of the Russian Biologist Andrei Petrovich Tolsky (1874–1942)

Russian Journal of Biological Research. 2024. 11(1): 21-27.
DOI: 10.13187/ejbr.2024.1.21CrossRef

The work is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian botanist, forester, meteorologist, Professor A.P. Tolsky (1874–1942). The material of this study is the works of Andrei Petrovich and biographical works about his personality, and the methodological basis is based on such methods of historical research as historiographical and biographical methods, the method of classification and synthesis. Since childhood, showing an aptitude for botany, namely, forestry, Tolsky entered the appropriate institute and throughout his life was engaged in forestry activities: both the practice of forestry and the teaching of this discipline. According to modern historians, he always remained a deeply religious, humble, sympathetic and selfless person, ready to help; he helped students in need. He is a pioneer of forestry activities in the arid steppe regions of Russia, the author of a methodology for preserving and growing seeds and young plantings, crossing and breeding tree species resistant to the climatic features of the region; was not only a theorist, but also an outstanding practitioner of studying the structure of root systems of pine trees, ecology and physiology of tree species, forest meteorology; historian of forestry. Modern forestry is largely based on the ideas of Andrei Petrovich. He became the author of more than 110 scientific papers on forest climatology, forestry methodology, ecology, climatology and meteorology of forests. Until his last days, he was in besieged Leningrad and engaged in scientific activities, completing his last fundamental work on forest meteorology.

URL: https://rjbr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1737544487.pdf
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URL: https://rjbr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1737545368.pdf
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